Friday, February 11, 2011

...hand over the dictionary.

Let me just clear something up from the start... this blog is not designed to bash people who may or may not have commented on my grammar.  The title of may blog site was written "your" to prove a point, and here is that point...

So many times in the English Language there are words that mean many things but sound the same... take the word there, it is their, they're and there... all sound the same, all spelt different and have different meanings... all I can say to that is... WHY???  Most other languages have different sounding words for unique things.  It doesn't make sense that we have got to be different!!  You cannot tell me that there are people walking around saying to people "Hey did you see that over there?  And that's a there with an ere not a eir!!"  Or "You're looking great tonight, and that's as in your are and night with a ght!!"

Pls ppl, if u wanna pick on me typin, I will typ like dis! 
ttyl, and hand over the "net talk" dictionary!!

(I have opened the blog comments for anyone to post... feel free to add what you like!)


  1. 22222222222222222222222222222222
    feel free 2 typ how u likes! :O)

  2. eh it's become, somewhat, natural for me to type in l33t form (txt/gaming language).. so go right ahead. (:

  3. It's the english language. There is no point in fighting it.
